Endurance Riding Ireland

Who are we?

ILDRA was formed in 1990 by a group of people keen to develop the sport on the island of Ireland. Some of those original people are still involved in the sport. At the 25th Anniverary dinner in 2015 a number of people who had been members since the start were recognised by the presentation or a unique plaque.

ILDRA (Irish Long Distance Riding Association) has been the governing body for Endurance Riding in Ireland and its competitive rides continue to recognised by Horse Sport Ireland (HSI).

It organises a series of rides throughout Ireland. Most rides involve a Pleasure Ride for members and non-members, normally of about 12km (8 miles) with a maximum of 32km (20 miles), and a series of CTRs (Competitive Trail Rides) over a number of distances starting from 32km (20 miles) and going up to 80km (50 miles) for members. Some events also feature ERs (Endurance Rides) - these start at 80km (50 miles) and can go up to 160km (100 miles) and are for experienced horses and riders only.

International Endurance

ILDRA's competitive rides are recognised by Horse Sport Ireland for FEI qualification purposes. As such we administer and work with HSI, FEI and riders to promote, enhance and support Irish Endurance worldwide.

With a number of Irish affiliated international riders competing regularly at FEI events and a number of FEI accredited international officials there is often an Irish presence at many major rides throughout the world.

For more information on International, FEI and High Performance see the relevant pages on this web site and on the HSI or FEI web sites.